I was surprised and excited to see this change-of-pace article from you. Knowing your experience/expertise and your level of consciousness, I knew it would be enlightening. Thank you for sharing and putting this in terms that are understandable for those of us who lean more right-brained. Actually, I have a lot of left-brained tendencies, but the concept of money has always been something that frustrates and confuses me. Which, as you mentioned, is a deliberately created effect. I believe the same goes for our system of law.

I also wanted to comment that I appreciate your Key and Peele and Dumb and Dumber references! Hahaha I actually rewatched the latter recently with my husband. I really look forward to reading part 2.

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Thanks Christina! I would agree that you have plenty of left brain tendencies. Just take your writing here on Substack as one example—a LOT of seemingly disparate information presented in a highly cohesive and organized fashion.

Without going into all of the psycho-emotional blocks and survival programming we all have taken on around money, I think that some of the more creatively oriented right brained types unconsciously self sabotage themselves against financial success because a) they sense its negative distortion intuitively, and b) they fear the prostitution of their creativity (and themselves by extension).

I so love that Dumb & Dumber clip—it summarizes the entire piece in 45 seconds, with Jim Carrey as the Fed, the American public holding the gun, and Lauren Holly as the banks. And sad, but the Key & Peele clip really does summarize my banking career thus far. 😆

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by E.T. Allen

Ok, while it hurts my brain to work with numbers, I can still manage to be present for any conversation pertaining to . Really, it has to do with the traumatizing math equations from days gone by. ( If a train left the station at 6:00 pm, going 100-mph and made 3 stops, what is the sum total of clouds that were in the sky at the 3rd stop?).

If you always pay all your bills on time and have an excellent credit rating. You’re a big fat liability if you decide to apply for a second credit card , to have on hand for travel rewards. Too bad. We don’t want to give you a credit card cuz you’re going to pay off your total each month and you won’t be paying any interest rates we tack on. I am truly sorry Mr. and Mrs. Liability , but we are not going to make any money off of you. No credit card for you! Denied!

Mommy! I have a headache. I’ll remember not to eat before I read part 2, nausea and such, just to be on the safe side. Seriously, well written!

I’m going to read it again when I don’t feel so amusing.

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This is eye opening to the point of wtf?!?!?

Thanks for the explanation.

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Very well written and explained. Still hard to get my head around this global Ponzi scheme...

I really look forward to reading about the "what you can do about this" part.

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Thanks so much - “very well written and explained” is a compliment of high order coming from you.

Your words echo a big part of the game well: “hard to get my head around” it—the complexity stirs confusion, sucking awareness into the mental plane where it goes in circles.

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May 26Liked by E.T. Allen

Wanted to apologize for my ‘tongue -in-cheek’

response yesterday .Your post came a couple of days after ‘my response’ actually happened to us. So I was still a bit ‘snarky’ about it. Such a rude awakening. Looking forward to part 2.

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Thank you and absolutely no apology necessary!

I was just about to respond to your first comment with “this is the PERFECT response—tongue-in-cheek humor at the inanity of it all…” 😊

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May 29Liked by E.T. Allen

ET, Thanks for this exploration on currency and banking. Loving this sentence you wrote: "As for me though, the only question is when the music will stop." When indeed. I'm no financial historian so I don't know. But suffice it to say that capital-based civilizations have all risen (and fallen) as long as mankind has been around. It's just a matter of whose turn it is at the time. Your piece a great reminder. Hope you're doing well (and enjoying a healthy dose of Reese's Pieces in between those dollar bills). Cheers, -Thalia

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Thanks so much Thalia! That was actually my son in the musical chairs clip at a recent birthday party for one of his friends… and guess what he got for winning??

Reese’s Pieces of course 😂

(Which went straight to The Bank of Dad™️)

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