Hello friends! Welcome to 2025 — it’s shaping up to be one of the most spectacularly eventful years yet. Beginnings and endings happening faster and faster, blurring together, perhaps giving us a chance to finally bear witness to their essential sameness.
So buckle up! Or better yet — park somewhere you’ve never been, take off your seat belt, and head out exploring. Let novelty explode the myth of obligation, and see the world anew.
There is never ‘nothing’ going on. There are no ordinary moments.
- The Peaceful Warrior, 2006
The world around us speaks, and novelty amplifies our ability to hear it. It speaks in pattern. It speaks in metaphor.
The world within us speaks too — in sensation, in emotion, in thought. The cultivation of stillness turns up its volume.
And if you can tune into your inner world while watching what is happening in the outer one, you very well may notice something quite curious, something quite earth-shattering actually:
The events of our lives provide nonstop, real-time feedback on whatever is being held within. That is its function.
The outer world is a sensorially immersive feedback loop of what we are being now, what we yearn to become, and what parts are ripe for change.
The questions we hold within, whether conscious or (especially!) unconscious, unfold through linear time so we have the space to experience their answers. Our humble, seemingly mundane lives hold the answer to everything in potentia, including the Big One: What Happens When We Die?1 (Spoiler Alert)
And yes, maybe these are sweeping, grandiose-ish statements. Maybe overly philosophical, less than practical. But here’s the practical part:
If you want to know more about any aspect of your life, you can utilize these same mechanics by asking your life for clarity — and it will show you.
A sincere question followed by the invocation show me will bring answers out of the unknown and into your conscious awareness through the patterns of everyday, ‘ordinary’ events. However, they are never quite the answers you expect (or else there would be no need for the question in the first place).
A few caveats on this phenomenon, starting with a major one:
***Don’t ask big questions lightly, unless you are prepared for big answers. Be prepared to feel like a fool at times. Be prepared to feel uncomfortable. Above all be prepared to feel — to embrace negative and positive experience alike.***
The questions we hold within are much more qualitative than quantitative. It’s about insight, not lottery numbers. You might well end up with winning numbers, but it’s wisdom gained from lived experience that counts.
The speed of the answer unfolding is relative to the emotional intensity of the question. Emotion is the ‘charge’ that magnetizes different types of life experiences — and the stronger the emotion, the more potent the correlating cascade of events. The more heightened the convergence of the inner and outer worlds. The more loudly coincidence speaks.
Here’s a personal example of this phenomenon in action. I would love to go into specific techniques and practices of how to amplify coincidence speaking in more depth if there is further interest!
Unfortunately, much of the time we don’t realize what questions we are asking, because we have been conditioned to overfixate on the external world of outcomes, of chasing resources to make ends meet, of sticky cultural expectations, of social and societal engineering.
But the most valuable human resource isn’t gold. It isn’t Bitcoin, it ain’t AI, and it isn’t anything we can create. It isn’t even time.
It’s our attention. We all know this innately, but 2025 and beyond is when it becomes really crucial to pay attention to where it goes.
So for now I’ll conclude with a question: if your attention was the most valuable resource you own, where would you put yours?
Where you invest your love, you invest your life
-Mumford & Sons
All Endings are beginnings…
Jonathan highlighted;
“ If your attention was the most valuable resource you own, where would you put yours? “ And I will too.
Focus within, my loves, around the next corner, the next day, week, life, hour ?
At any given moment I cannot focus my attention everywhere all at once. Since I have a great amount of inner strength, and my focus is only mine to wield, then I would have to say ; in the moment.
P.S. Somehow I was dropped from your subscriber list, did you dump me ☹️? Sorry, won’t let you, I’m back.
We have become almost obsessive about tuning in to a world beyond us, outside of us, often to the extent of forgetting "The world within us speaks too — in sensation, in emotion, in thought." And, not even knowing, in many cases that, "The cultivation of stillness turns up its volume."
It is time for all of us to pay attention, to understand and love the moment we are in, IMHO.
These are important reflections Eric... thank you🙏🏼