What a delightful story. I can see why she loves you!

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There aren’t words for how much I appreciate this comment. ❤️

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by E.T. Allen

I do not drop links to my own work in other people's comments casually. This is a have-to.

'Nuff said:


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TURN IT UP! The similarities are uncanny. A tale of self deprecation and redemption that we, as readers, just KNOW is coming. Although your experience is definitely one from a much more nuanced musician's perspective, which I enjoyed. I do have questions though, like why the heck were you torturing yourself in a band like that in the first place?! 🤣

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It had just been too long since I was in a band -- and they were good so I jumped in.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 23Liked by E.T. Allen

Oh my god this was a hilarious story....my stomach hurts from laughing so much!!!


I was expecting something disastrously dissonant when I clicked PLAY on the videos but you nailed it!!! hahahaha!! It sounds like an amazing time was had by all~ especially by your endearing wife who got to watch her 6 hour old hubby rock the eff out! ;)

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Haha glad you enjoyed - I got a kick out of dusting off the old wedding DVD (hell yes it's on DVD) and laughed my whole way through the reception footage.

You nailed it - up til the moment I saw the video for the very first time, I was expecting something disastrously dissonant as well, and I wanted to instill that in the story. That's the wildness of live performance - and why I love it - so much more action/experience gets crammed into the same time space. So being in the wrong key at the end felt like (and WAS) an eternity to me, but in "reality" it was only a split second. But who's to say which reference point is correct?

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I love that you wrote about this and have video to prove it! I have a similar story about the old-timey band at my wedding, a violin (me), too much alcohol (me), that also has video. Unfortunately, the similarity stops at "shredding." Actually, let's never speak of this again.

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Consider it done.

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What a hilarious and beautiful story (I nearly spit out my coffee a few times!) The stage is often a crucible, capable of drawing you in and spitting you back out in a different form. I'm so happy you jumped at the chance and continued playing!

One moral of the story I'm leaving with is: the Freebird solo is more of a vibe than a collection of fixed notes, sounds like you picked up on that vibe expertly!

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Author

Thanks Will inspiring a full coffee spit out is one of my key aspirations in writing here. I'll keep at it.

Truth, and so well said: "The stage is often a crucible, capable of drawing you in and spitting you back out in a different form." And, as some other brilliant dude put it, "All of Life's a stage."

On the solo being more of a vibe than anything - YES - that is exactly what I was hoping/praying to pick up on when I got up there, not knowing any of the technicalities of the song.

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Lord I can’t change…………..❤️

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🤘 Tim Holt

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by E.T. Allen

Hey! I love ‘Christopher Robin’. Maybe Blackbird would have been perfect.

But Freebird? Well could have been worse, Stairway to Heaven.

The stars were out, love, happiness and alcohol breath in the air. You could have screamed out any tune and played a wash board and it would have been encore worthy. Candles, and lighters flickering for a standing ovation. Friends and family and a new bond, a soul mate for a lifetime. Only a fool would have not taken the chance .The very best of stories. Sometimes, though I’m pretty sure I know how it will turn out, it is all in the telling. Your words become contagious to the reader. Your story, to be passed down through the generations.“Red-faced and embarrassed” through the ages. Told with laughter, and love. Not a bad way to be remembered.

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I love 'Christopher Robin" too. Then and now. Just not as a wedding reception sendoff. Blackbird was actually the first song I ever learned on guitar, but I didn't sing then and wouldn't for another 13 years. Although Pat could've done vocals and it likely would've turned out OK, and my wife and I would've walked out of the bright lights of the reception tent and "into the light of a dark black night." It's happening right now, in another parallel life.

The irony of selecting "Free Bird," of all the clichéd songs in the world, at my own wedding does not escape me. But this is the "Free Bird Wedding" life, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.

"Only a fool would have not taken the chance." Exactly. I was hoping this was conveyed in the writing.

Thank you for your lovely comments.

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Mar 23Liked by E.T. Allen

“It's happening right now, in another parallel life…”

And all that you conveyed after , thank you for your beautiful response.I see we are both encircled with love in this lifetime. I married my high school sweetheart….

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Ha! Thanks for the mention. You killed it bro!! That was wild!! And ya, you're glad ya did it!! Much more memorable than slinking off or ending with Pooh!! Classic tale. Great work. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks mucho! When I was thinking about what the heck to write last week, it was actually your supportive comments on Crashing A Funeral that inspired to write another live music performance related post (and put up a little vintage footage).

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Ah! That's wonderful. Your vitality for life carries your writing. That vibe is much needed right now. Great vintage footage by the way. Classic! And what fun! Wish I was there. I love good parties!! Cheers man!

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You're "American Wedding" sounds like it was a pretty good one. Don't know if you know Gogol Bordello but they have a classic song called "American Wedding." I'll include the link. It's worth a listen, funny lyrics and pretty poignant. I used to cater and man we did so many super boring weddings... Cheers man!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPfeOAhDfbM

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Catchy Russian samba LOL

"where's the vodka where's marinated herring?"

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Where's the supply that's gonna' last three days?? Ya, they've got some great tunes, they call it Gypsy Punk. The dude singing is Ukrainian with some Roma roots. They are amazing live, especially pre rona. Crazy shows. Cheers.

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“To the point where instead of stepping up and doing something memorable, I let my own wedding reception conclude with the word “poo.”

I laughed my way through the first half, replaced then by chills and thrill for your unabashed performance….and the love that inspired it. What a fabulous story.

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So glad you enjoyed it. This one was fun to write.

That’s really good insight on what’s going on in my favorite pieces so far - from humor to gravity to flight and back again, with one eye trained towards the transformation time provides.

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An "eye trained toward the transformation time provides" is such an essential survival skill. Almost a reframing, or a zooming out. In one frame, a rocket explodes and we see only catastrophe. Zooming out, we see the payloads successful delivery just before the explosion—an entirely new chapter of adventure ahead.

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This was lovely. Thank you.

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Appreciate it Chris.

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